In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.

Chino Otsuka : Imagine Finding Me

Chino Otsuka uses photography and video to explore the fluid relationship between the memory, time and photography. At age 10 she moved from Japan to the United Kingdom to attend school. Her experience of becoming familiar with a new place, a different language and new customs while she was developing her adolescent identity has profoundly shaped her work in photography, video and writing. Her series Imagine Finding Me consists of double self-portraits, with images of her present self beside her past self in various places she has visited. As Otsuka says: “The digital process becomes a tool, almost like a time machine, as I’m embarking on the journey to where I once belonged and at the same time becoming a tourist in my own history.”

@темы: я, левые люди и аранжировщик, мёд, я дом

07.12.2013 в 22:48

Хорошо там, где я.
Это фотошоп? Ух ты))))) Здооорово!