In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.
UPD: The correct title of Episode 2.05 of Arrow is “League Of Assassins”
спасибо за важное уточнение.
Arrow Episode 2.05 is titled 'The Demon's Head'
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спасибо за важное уточнение.
Arrow Episode 2.05 is titled 'The Demon's Head'
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звуки которые я издала были НЕЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКИМИ
Awwal isn’t just your average foe as he has major ties to a group of baddies DC Comics fans know very well, which also connects him to Malcolm Merlyn…Meticulous, driven, and deadly, Al-Owal, whose name in Arabic means “The First,” is after someone very close to Oliver. Oh, and the man knows how to handle a scimitar.”