что, блйа, и требовалось доказать"Olivia is a very straight laced cop," said Jackson. "[Alternate Olivia] is much closer to Peter in personality. They both have a sense of humor. She laughs and she smiles and Olivia is very straight and serious. So I think he is more naturally sympatico with that woman than he is with Original Olivia."похохотали - и баиньки(с)
ФРИНЖЕСПОЙЛЕР ХУЛЕAt the close of ‘Fringe’s Season 2 finale, it was revealed that the alt-universe’s version of Olivia had sneaked over to this side, with Peter and Walter none the wiser. “Our” Olivia meanwhile is locked up over “there,” seemingly helpless to make her entrapment known.
For how long will this sinister swap go undetected?
“The culmination of the first half of the [new] season is going to be that reveal,” ‘Fringe’ star Joshua Jackson tells Fancast in this video Q&A.
Until then, watch for Peter to appreciate the attitudinal differences that may slip out from his poser of a partner. “Bolivia” – as in “Olivia B” – “is much closer to Peter’s personality… so I think he is more naturally sympatico with that woman than he is with… ‘extra tasty/crispy Olivia’?”
Jackson hints that when Bolivia’s true origin comes to light, Peter might not necessarily make a beeline for the “B” universe to retrieve the real deal. Repeatedly alluding to in-flux “loyalties,” he says, “We haven’t decided who’s good and who’s bad, and what we want and what we don’t want.”БУЭНОС НОЧЕС
лемминги фринж-фандома ему такие лучи поноса шлют, мамадарагая.
может они еще на анну торв накинутся, перепутав ее с боливией и забыв, что она еще и оливию играет.
мне обидно за нашу оливию!
оооо, дадад. мне тоже. страшно обидно.
*Наблюдатель фейс*
о игла, я люблю тебя
питер заслужил, так ему и надо!
И это еще он мало отхватит.
Надеюсь, альт!Оливия любит бдсм.