недавно же случилась вроде знаменательная дата - у Гарри Поттера старшой (Джеймс господиспаси Сириус) пошел в Хог. в связи с чем, чуть забегая вперед:
Draco Malfoy: Scorpius Malfoy, I named you after a star sign because of an awesome tumblr meme I saw once but honestly it doesn't even matter because I could've named you Catshits McGee and it still would've been a better name than what Potter tagged his kid with. Go have fun at school, write your mother, and get it a study group with the Weasley girl, trust me. x
ай мин:
a better name than what Potter tagged his kid with.
| воскресенье, 13 сентября 2015