вот это, то что постом ниже, было какой-то очередной пьянкой,
- I'm going to say "yes".
- Excuse me?(c)
- Excuse me?(c)
огромная дымящаяся куча спойлеров, варнинг
Sideways Jack wakes up with the familiar blood stain on his neck and goes to eat breakfast with David. David makes sure Jack is going to his concert that night and Jack says he would be and inquires if David’s mom will be there.
мы все горим от нетерпения.
Jack gets contacted by Oceanic telling him his father’s casket was located, but it turns out it’s actually Desmond on the phone.
On the island, Jack patches up Kate’s shoulder and Kate laments that Locke killed Jin and Sun and that they have a daughter, one that Jin will now never see.
блять, ну пойди воспитай её, будь ей мамой и папой, уай бы нот?
Kate says that they have to kill Locke and Jack agrees. Jack says that if Locke wants Desmond, they need to get to him first and they (Kate, Jack, Hurley and Sawyer) head off to the well to retrieve him. In sideways world, Desmond watches from his car as Locke gets out of his van; his first day back at school after being run down. In a similar situation Des starts the car and seems poised to run Locke down again until Ben interrupts him and stops him. Des gets out and says he wasn’t trying to hurt Locke, but help him. Ben asks how and Des starts punching him; at which time Ben begins to have flashes of his “other” life.
суровые методы суровы.
On the mend in the nurses office, Locke arrives to check on Ben and Ben tells him the story as Locke calls the police. Ben stops him and says that he believes Desmond when he said he was trying to help. Alex meets up with Ben outside the school and invites to drive him home with her mom. At first Ben declines, but then a “cleaned up and non crazy” Rousseau insists. Back at their house after dinner, Ben asks Danielle what happened to Alex’s father. She says he died when she was 2 and muses that is why Alex has taken to Ben so much; he has an interest in her and believes in her and is the father she never had. Ben gets misty from hearing this.
я сейчас сделаю вид, что этого абзаца не было.
Back on the island, Richard, Miles and Ben are heading to Ben’s house to get his stash of C4 to blow up the plane. While there, Zoe and Widmore arrive. Widmore explains that after the freighter was blown up, Jacob visited him and explained what he must do. Widmore orders Zoe to go sink their boat and she leaves. Widmore explains that he brought Desmond to the island because of his immunity to electromagnetism. Zoe calls up on the walkie explaining that Locke has arrived on the island. Widmore orders her to return and when she is on her way Widmore says they all need to hide in Ben’s closet.
блять я не знаю.... я в курсе, что эта история закончится печально, но КАК Я РЖУ. КАК РЖУ. БЛЯТЬ ЧАРЛЬЗ КОТОРЫЙ ПРЯЧЕТСЯ В ШКАФУ У БЕНА, ЭТО.... АААА БЛЯ ТАК НЕЛЬЗЯ ОСТАНОВИТЕ МЕНЯ
Miles leaves on his own while Ben and Richard decide to confront Locke; thinking they can either buy time or get him to leave. With Widmore and Zoe in the closet walk outside. The black smoke slams into Richard and tosses him into the woods.
Изя, ну нахуя, ну что это было-то, а?????
Ben sits and Locke approaches and says that there are some people he’d like Ben to kill and in exchange, Ben can have control of the island after Locke leaves. Ben accepts and tells him that Widmore and Zoe are in his closet. Locke promptly slices Zoe’s throat and tells Widmore that if he tells him what he wants to know he won’t kill penny when he leaves the island. At first Widmore doesn’t seem to trust him, but relents and tells him of Desmond. When Locke asks why Desmond, Widmore doesn’t want Ben to hear. Ben turns around and he whispers inaudibly into Locke’s ear. Suddenly Widmore is shot numerous times by Ben, with Ben explaining that he (Widmore) “Shouldn’t have the opportunity to save his daughter” and then asks Locke if there are others he wants him to kill.
Все. Убил Бен Фердинанда-то нашего. Приспустите флааааааг *траурные песнопения T_T
In the woods, young Jacob appears to Hurley and demands his ashes from Hurley. He takes them and runs away and Hurley gives chase, and comes upon adult Jacob in the woods around a campfire.
а, так он сцуко голем? слепил сам себя из своего пепла? я его слепииила из тогооо чтоо было
Hurley brings Jack, Kate and Sawyer to Jacob, who they can now see and communicate with. Jacob explains that he made a mistake when his actions made his brother into the smoke monster and he knew that eventually he’d find a way to kill him; so the candidates have been his preparations for his eventual demise. And that protecting the island is what the others “have all died for.” He says that he must have a successor before the fire burns out; once it does, he is gone for good and “it would be very bad” if there isn’t someone to take his place. Sawyer complains that his life was fine before Jacob brought them there, but Jacob interjects that they were all lost, lonely and broken, like he was. Kate asks why she was crossed out and Jacob explains that it’s “just chalk on a wall, he crossed her out because she became a mother and the job is still open if she wants it”.
Так, нах бля.
С одной стороны, я очень ржу, потому что я представляю, как Джейкоб такой: "Декретный отпуск? А, ну ладно", - встает и перечеркивает. С другой стороны БЛЯДЬ КАКОГО ХУЯ, ДЖЕЙКОБ??? Меня бесит это "бекейм э мазер" - спасибо, конечно, что она три года нянчила Аарона и, несомненно, заронила в него зерно социопатии, но я не понимаю, блять, я не понимаю этой формулировки. Клер тут какбэ не причем, да? Она с пузом не бегала, на Остров не падала, в кустах не рожала, три года слезами труп белки не обливала, колыбельные ему не пела. Джейкоб, сердце мое, я понимаю, что ты подзапал на Кейт, когда она была курносой щекастой сельской нимфеткой, но повторюсь: КАКОГО ХУЯ???
No one accepts at first, until Jack stands and says this is what he was meant to do and accepts the “job”. Jacob explains that the light is the heart of the island and is what must be protected from extinguishing; which is what MIB wants to do. Jack asks if they’re supposed to kill him (MIB) and Jacob says that he hopes they can. Jacob gets a cup from Jack, says a “prayer” to the water and gives it to Jack to drink; when he does, Jacob says “Now we are the same”.
а Клер будет МИБом? Вернее, УИБом?
я представляю эту картину: утро, пляж, океан, Джекуся в белом костюме жарит рыбку, выходит Клер в маленьком черном платье.
- Want some fish?
- No, thnx, not hungry. I like you suit.
- Thank you!
- You're welcome, ASS.
In sideways world, Locke goes to Jack and explains that maybe fate is what cause his accident and maybe Jack is supposed to fix his spine. Jack accepts (after the uttering of a few familiar phrases).
On the island, Locke and Ben reach the well to see that Des is not there. Ben asks what it was that Widmore said to him about Desmond. He says that Des was Jacob’s “Failsafe” in case all of his candidates were killed; but that Desmond will be useful to Locke now because Desmond can do what Locke has never been able to do, “Destroy the island”.
Я все это уже слышала где-то.
А вообще Бен молодец, чо. Деловой подход. Радость моя.
Из дополнительных няшечек:
- Desmond is getting all the Oceanic 815ers to congregate at the concert.
- мне кажется, у Элоизы будет инфаркт.
Kate out of jail with the help of Ana Lucia and Hurley.
- придумайте к этому комментарий. я не в силах.
("Гарри ты получил силу всех волшебников мира, которые существовали и существуют, так же ты получил знания этих же волшебников, то есть ты знаеш все заклинания мира. Ты владеешь ментальным блоком в миллиарды раз сильнее блока Воландеморта. Ты анимаг, но ты не обычный анимаг : ты можешь превращаться в любое животное, ты метафоромаг, ты владееш беспалочковой магией и еще кучей различных вещей. Твоя сила равна божьей. Спи.(с))