In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.
"Выйдя из дому и глядя по сторонам, Дороти Гейл видела вокруг только степь. Она тянулась до самого горизонта: унылая равнина – ни деревца, ни домика. Солнце в этих краях было таким жарким, что вспаханная земля под его жгучими лучами моментально превращалась в серую запекшуюся массу. Трава тоже быстро делалась серой, как и все кругом. Когда то дядя Генри покрасил домик, но от солнца краска стала трескаться, а дожди окончательно ее смыли, и теперь он стоял такой же уныло серый, как и все остальное. Когда тетя Эм только приехала в эти места, она была хорошенькой и жизнерадостной. Но палящее солнце и свирепые ураганы сделали свое дело: из ее глаз быстро исчезли задорные искорки, а со щек румянец. Лицо посерело и осунулось. Тетя Эм похудела и разучилась улыбаться. Когда осиротевшая Дороти впервые попала в этот дом, ее смех так пугал тетю Эм, что она всякий раз вздрагивала и хваталась за сердце. Да и теперь, стоило Дороти рассмеяться, тетя Эм удивленно смотрела на нее, словно не понимая, что может быть смешного в этой серой жизни.
Что касается дяди Генри, то он не смеялся никогда. С утра до вечера он работал изо всех сил, и ему было не до веселья. Он тоже был весь серый – от бороды до грубых башмаков. Вид у него был суровый, сосредоточенный, и он редко говорил."
(с) Л. Баум - Волшебник из страны Оз
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In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.
Зырьте, люди. Бабулька Других(только тут у неё причесон другой), которая в 3х01 пеняла Итану, что тот трубы слишком медленно перевязывает)) во флешбеке Деса сторговывает ему колечко на бульваре. Заговоренное, я врубилась Для Пен, нах=D
In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.
Самый лучший иностранный саундтрек к сегодняшнему спойлерскейтерскому траху - это песня Oasis (прототипом их в Лосте являются DRIVEShaft) Fuckin In The Bushes. Это очень простоая и незатейливая композиция. На протяжении трех с хреном минут голос Лиэма Галлахера (тьфу ты, чуть не написала "Пейса") повторяет одну и ту же фразу:
Kids are runnin' around naked fuckin' in the bushes
Kids are runnin' around naked fuckin' in the bushes
Kids are runnin' around naked fuckin' in the bushes
Kids are runnin' around naked fuckin' in the bushes
Там еще есть фраза I love it, но это уже совсем не ко мне.
Kate centric - All of tonight’s flashbacks are of Kate.
Somehow while out on the run Kate falls in Love with a police officer named Kevin.
He thinks her name is Monica and they get married.
One day while out shopping she calls the Marshall and asks him to stop trying to find her. But the Marshall insists that she’s not the type to settle down.
At breakfast her husband buys her Oceanic tickets to go to Costa Rica on there overdue honeymoon he then leaves for work in his Miami Dade patrol car. I didn’t notice the number of the car or house.
Later she takes pregnancy test and its negative but it freaks her out. She can’t have a kid while on the run. She confronts her husband but not before she drugs him. I’m a fugitive and you would eventually find out she then leaves him.
Present day
Locke, Sayid, Desmond and two people who we never saw for two years with Eko.
Locke tells group it might have been a bear or animal but sayid knows he’s lying.
Locke knows Eko was killed for a reason but doesn’t know what it is. They will bury Eko here but they went to get his Holy Stick.
During Eulogy Locke bangs Holy stick into grave and notices the writing. Lift up your eyes and look north
Locke takes this as a sign.
Jack checks the x-ray. Henry and Juliette walk in
Jack tells Henry he’s got about a week before the tumor becomes inoperable.
Henry says well do it tomorrow.
Jack says “you misunderstood me, I’m letting you know how your gonna die.
I’m not going to do the operation
Henry says he’s disappointed
Jack says you won’t be disappointed long.
Kate and sawyer breaking rocks when there’s an alarm going off
Alex (French woman’s daughter) is taking out people with her slingshot.
She gets into a standoff with Pickett and she want to know where CARL is. (The boy in Kate’s cage.) She insists on talking to Henry. Pickett says O.K.
They grab her from behind and she yells to Kate don’t trust him he’s gonna kill your boyfriend (Sawyer).
Juliette shows up and asks Kate to put on a hood she needs her help to prevent Pickett from killing Sawyer.
Brings Kate to Jack they talk Kate begs Jack to operate on Henry. Jack refuses angrily.
What did they do to you why do you believe what they say?
Kate goes back to her cage talks to Sawyer about what happened. Sawyer doesn’t need saving. Kate want’s to break Sawyer out and try to run. She breaks Sawyers lock open and Sawyer tells her about the “Alcatraz type” Island a couple of miles away.
There’s no where to run he didn’t want to tell her so she wouldn’t give up hope. They start making out and Yes they Had SEX. (I think one of them must die now do to the sex)
They share a moment when sawyer asked about what she said when he was getting beaten up by Pickett and she just kisses him. He says yeah I love you too.
Jack asleep hears the monitor again it sounded like Alex to me but it’s incoherent. Jack goes to his door and turns the handle and remarkable its open and nobody is out there. He goes down the hall to the control room Henry sits in to monitor everything. He keeps looking around and finds an armory he grabs a gun and loads it.
He checks the monitors again and sees Kate with Sawyer. Henry shows up behind Jack and says I would have thought that she would end up with you. Jack turned and pointed his gun at Henry. Henry says I guess this is the proverbial nail in my coffin. Jack looks at him and says Tomorrow.
Have everything I need ready and you better keep your word when it’s over I want off this island.
When Jack starts operating Pickett and an Other leave the observation area leaving Mr. Friendly behind. Pickett is basically going off to kill Sawyer.
During the operation Jack makes a cut in Henry’s (kidney) I think the monitor starts to beep and an Other assistant says should he be bleeding that much Jack says no and Knocks him out. He orders Juliette away from the table and talks to Mr. Friendly.
I made an incision and he’s got about an hour before he bleeds out and dies.
Come in here with your walkie talkie.
Meanwhile Sawyer got an upper hand on Pickett but Kate was being held at gunpoint. Sawyer was taken outside the cage and brought to his knees Pickett points gun to sawyers head and says this is for Colleen.
Walkie talkie goes off and Mr. Friendly asks Pickett if he’s near the cages which he replies yes. Give the walkie talkie to Kate.
Pickett - Why?
Mr. Friendly - Because if you don’t the Dr. is gonna let Ben die.
Kate gets talkie Jack tells her you have about an hour to run. Do you remember the story I told you when you stitched me up on the beach. She replies yes. When your safe call me back and tell me the story. She replies I can’t leave. Jack yells to her do it Kate. Run
Sawyer just looking up at Pickett Kate looking on and then
In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.
Я фигею, дорогая редакция. Я фигею. Вы просто угадайте, кого и где Эмили де Рейвин, это ангелоподобное создание, играет в фильме( и в каком фильме), откуда выдраны эти капсы (подсказка: это экранизация Кинга).