In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.
Dumbledore: I am not gay!
Rowling: What the hell, buddy.
Dumbledore: Buddy? I said I am not gay!
Rowling: Are you off your fucking meds or something?
Dumbledore: Yes. But that isn't what this is about. You're slasher, stupid bitch.
Rowling: Let me tell you something, motherfucker. I've earned some millions pounds writing you fuckers in my goddamn books. So I want you to look at me. I want you to look at my face one last fucking time. This is the last thing you're ever gonna see before I...
Dumbledore: [grabs Rowling and pins him against the car] Elf fucker! Stupid bitch. Fucking slasher! Who's the bitch now, muggle writer? Fucking Skeeter! Lesbian bitch...
Small Slashwriter: Leave Rowling alone!
Dumbledore: Little boy, don't interfere. I am doing this for all of us.
Small Slashwriter: Leave Rowling alone!
Dumbledore: [Rowling pulls free. Dumbledore turns to leave] Slash clown!
Rowling: What the hell, buddy.
Dumbledore: Buddy? I said I am not gay!
Rowling: Are you off your fucking meds or something?
Dumbledore: Yes. But that isn't what this is about. You're slasher, stupid bitch.
Rowling: Let me tell you something, motherfucker. I've earned some millions pounds writing you fuckers in my goddamn books. So I want you to look at me. I want you to look at my face one last fucking time. This is the last thing you're ever gonna see before I...
Dumbledore: [grabs Rowling and pins him against the car] Elf fucker! Stupid bitch. Fucking slasher! Who's the bitch now, muggle writer? Fucking Skeeter! Lesbian bitch...
Small Slashwriter: Leave Rowling alone!
Dumbledore: Little boy, don't interfere. I am doing this for all of us.
Small Slashwriter: Leave Rowling alone!
Dumbledore: [Rowling pulls free. Dumbledore turns to leave] Slash clown!