In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.
"Я из тех, кто может заявиться на порог к Финчеру и сказать: "Обещаю, я буду себя хорошо вести!" - говорит Селена Гомез. - Дальше будет самое страшное, но и самое интересное".(с)
In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.
“She’s spectacular,” Obama said about Hathaway, who was in attendance along with Weinstein and actress Joanne Woodward. “I got a chance to see Batman, and she was the best thing in it. That's just my personal opinion."
все хорошо Барак все хорошо все равно ты, наверное, большую часть фильма раскачивался, обняв коленки, а ближе к концу убежал с криками все хорошо
In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.
Rumor: Noah Taylor and Burn Gorman join the cast
We have heard from a source that two more actors have joined the cast of Game of Thrones. Both Noah Taylor and Burn Gorman are rumored to be in Belfast, filming now, alongside other Night’s Watch cast members such as James Cosmo (Jeor Mormont), Mark Stanley (Grenn), John Bradley (Samwell Tarly) and Ben Crompton (Dolorous Edd).
In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.
Deb will have some mixed feelings, obviously, which will vacillate between whether she's truly dropped those feelings and partially hating herself because she hasn't. "The feelings certainly don't disappear," showrunner Scott Buck tells us. "It'll be interesting for people to see her first response to that and how that will change over the course of the season as well. As you'll see, she doesn't get around to saying that to Dexter [in the premiere]. So in all these previous seasons, it was Dexter with the big secret; now suddenly Deb has the secret."
Ничего удивительного в том, что Квинн после такого сбежал охранять границу Готэма от Гордон-Левитта с автобусом детей и террористов с сомнительными наклонностями. Ему уже ничего не страшно. Мне тоже.