ПОРКЕЕЕЕ I want a fic of Peter teaching Ella how to drive a car. :P Anything that is like a uncle-niece/father-daughter moment. Just want Peter and Ella moments..and not totally fluffy too. ok…just saying..
In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.
[23:58:29] Лён: Я КЛЯНУСЬ. СО ВСЕМ МОИМ ТВПЕДО-ОПЫТОМ... [23:58:31] Лён: Я ПРОСТО [23:58:31] Лён: НЕ МОГУ НАЙТИ СЛОВ [23:58:35] Лён: ПОЗ [23:58:37] Лён: НИЧЕГО [23:58:38] Лён: Я НЕ ЗНАЮ [23:58:45] Шакира: ТУТ НЕ НУЖНО СЛОВ ПОДАРИ РАФАЭЛЛО БЛЯДЬ [23:58:50] Шакира: ПОДАРИ ЧУПА-ЧУПС
[23:58:57] Лён: ОНА БЛЯТЬ СТИВА [23:59:01] Лён: ПОЗВАЛА [23:59:05] Лён: НА СЛИПОВЕР 11 ЛЕТНЕЙ СЕСТРЫ [23:59:08] Лён: ФИОНА [23:59:09] Лён: ДРУГ [23:59:09] Лён: ТЫ ЧТО
In case anyone needs me I'll be puking in the garden.
"If the sun were to explode you wouldn't even know about it for eight minutes because that's how long it takes for light to travel to us. For eight minutes the world would still be bright and it would still feel warm. It was a year since my dad died and I could feel my eight minutes with him were running out."
— Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close